Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Life: A Study in Frustration - Because I'm bored

Name: Murielle


  1. How are you?    Tired and wishing I had more energy


  1. Who are you?   A  I'm stubborn and when I get something in my head I don't let it go until the idea has come to fruitation.  I'm the receipient of a dounble lung transplant.  I have CF.  I like to think I'm a nice person and try to help people as much as I can.  I try not to judge as you can never really understand some one until you've walked a mile in their shoes.  I'm quirky.  Short, sweet and a little off beat as my boyfriend likes to say.  I'm cynical but and most of the time I think people are insane (you know, like the guy who decided that lanes were only suggestions and turned right from the left lane!!) but strangely I come off as being bubbly and


  1. What is your family like? Friends?  My family is pretty tight knit though they sometimes drive absolutely insane.  My mother is a constant worrier and has made it her hobby but has a soft and kind heart.  My father is pretty high strung but is funnier than hell.  No one outside my boyfriend and brother makes me laugh as much as my dad.  My brother is the exact opposite of me.  Serious and moody but he's also always there when I need him and is a softy at heart.  I don't know if I should count my boyfriend as family but we've been together for almost two years so I'm counting him as family.  He has a tendency to get depressed easily and sometimes I wish he'd stand up for himself a little more but he's also gentle, sweet, kind hearted, funnier than hell and mine.  Hehehe.  Friends are across the board.  They're all pretty nice people who have their various flaws but it's all good.  I'm fairly sure there are things that my friends find infuriating about me.  Well I know they do but that's another subject entirely.


  1. Favorites (List only One)

Foods: Chicken
Color: Black
Band: U2
Game: I don't play games

  1. Hobbies: I write on LJ, I read, I talk to friends, I write every now and again, love movies, listening to music
  2. What do you to relax?  Watch TV, take hot baths, nap
  3. If you had three wishes what would you wish for and why? (By the way, no wishing for all the money in the world and no wishing for more wishes.) Wish one would be to come into a lot of money that will last me until the day I die so I wouldn't have to worry about paying for meds, I could buy my own house and my own car.  Wish two would be to become a published writer or at least be very good at something that actually paid good money because I always feel like I fall short on my potential and that I'm not really good at anything in particular.  Wish three is that I would get my puppy in the next four months because I want a puppy.


  1. What is a typical day for you?  I get up.  I take my meds.  I take a shower.  I go to work.  Spend the day going through books and dealing with people who can be pretty creepy at times.  Come home.  Eat supper.  Talk to my boyfriend on the phone. Watch some TV. Go to bed.  Start all over again.


  1. Any new plans for you? None.  Well, maybe the new puppy and I'd be going to Toronto again this summer but really nothing huge.


  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10 years? 5 years I see myself in Toronto, firmly established in the community with my dog and living with my boyfriend.  Hopefully working a good job, maybe taking a writing class or two, participating in dog sports, go to Europe, spend a night or two at Chillingham Castle, one of the most haunted castles in the UK, and pretty much that's it.  Ten years?  I had trouble coming up with what was going to happen in five.  The truth is I don't plan beyond a week in advance because I've learned the hard way that life throws stuff at you that you can't control.


  1. Who has been your biggest influence in your life?  My parents, my english teachers, Cesar Millan as of late



  1. What is your biggest flaw? I can't ever finish anything I start.

  1. What makes you happy? a good movie, spending time with my boyfriend, a nice day outside, a good book, hearing a good story.
  2. Sad? When you see the victims of animal abuse, elder abuse, child abuse
  3. Angry? People who seem to get a kick out of hurting other beings, people getting away with stuff they shouldn't have, unfairness, hard core selfishness, ignorant people who judge who have no idea what they're talking about.
  4. What do you enjoy? Watching movies, cuddling with my dog, watching true crime stories, watching shows about the paranormal, black humour, being warm, napping, silence...sweet sweet silence, Johnny Depp.
  5. What do you look for in a mate? In a Friend?  Some one who is compassionate, loving, gentle, kind of quirky, really funny, mature, sweet, and doesn't think I'm totally off my rocker.  Mission accomplished.

  1. What are some of your beliefs?  I believe in the Goddess.  I believe there are angels.  I believe in ghosts and the afterlife.  I believe in justice and fairness.  I believe in a lot of things.


  1. What are your fears?  That I'm not good enough.  That I'll fail and disappoint people.

  1. Do you like or dislike change? Why?  I don't mind change.  If things didn't change you would never learn.

  1. What are your talents?  Um, I write, I can balance a spoon on my nose?  I can burp the alphabet backwards (that's not true but it would be cool if I could).

  1. What do you do for a living? Do you enjoy it? What do you want to do for a living?  I work at the library as a clerk.  I kind of like it.  I wish I could do something that didn't require me to deal with people so much because it's draining!  I would rather be locked up in a room full of dusty old books and doing research or writing my own book.

  1. What is your greatest treasure and/or possession?  The Ankh that I wear around my neck.  It's my good luck charm.  Anything my boyfriend gives me.


  1. What is life to you? Life is short, slightly frustrating but in general great as long as those infections stay away.

  1. If you could change one thing about you what is it and why?  My ability to concentrate.   I could actually get stuff done and maybe even write a book!  The ability to be more creative and come up with an original story line.

  1. Where have you travelled? Where else would you like to go?  I've been to NYC.  That was cool.  I would like to go to the UK, Scotland, and Ireland.

  1. What is the most vivid memory of your past?  Shelling peas with my cousins in my grandmas back yard.  My older cousins teasing the crap out of me because I was the youngest of them.  Being in my cousin's wedding as a flower girl.


  1. Why do you get up in the morning (or night if you are a night person)?  To take my pills and to see what the day is going to throw at

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