My Good Luck Charm
by Sheena Walton
(Keysville, Va, U.S.A)
I found my good luck charm
He makes me feel safe while I'm in his arms
I feel that he will stand by my side through it all
I know he can promise to not to let us fall
He can tell something is wrong by the look on my face
And he never makes me feel like a waste
Blaine is the one who I will spend the rest of my life with
Share all of life's great moments with
He takes up all of my time
We are able to talk about anything
And he keeps me happy by doing little things
I know he respects all of my beliefs
And I'm definitely glad he is my heart's thief
Because he stole and cherished my heart
In return I hold high his heart
I trust that he will remain faithful to the end
So I will never have to be sad, depressed, or heartbroken again
I do not mean any harm
But I want the world to know that I have found BLAINE DENNIS,
My Good Luck Charm.
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