Monday, March 28, 2011

No Four Leaf Clover? 5 Just As Lucky Things for Your Home

Lucky PigsHappy St. Patrick's Day, everybody! I like St. Patrick's Day as it's such a good excuse to drink at noon wear that green sweater you hardly ever grab from the closet. Today, you pinch total strangers, spout limericks, and eat really gross corned beef and cabbage from your Aunt Mary's Crock-Pot. Today, the luck o' the Irish shines on all of our homes. 

But does it? I have yet to spy some lucky leprechauns. Every time I search for four-leaf clovers, I come up empty-handed. What's a gal in search of luck to do? I've got 5 other lucky things for your home for March 17 -- and every day of the year!

Sure you hear about rabbit's feet and horseshoes, but here are a few not-so-common good luck charms to have in your abode.

Pigs: Grab yourself a few piggy banks and feel the luck pour into your home. The Chinese say the pigs bring wealth and prosperity, while the folks in Germany even wish you "to have pig" or "schwein haben," which means to have something good happen.

Elephants: The elephant is a good luck charm in almost every culture -- heck, the Hindu God of Luck has an elephant head! It's thought that since elephants live so long, placing a little elephant figurine in your home will bring longevity and luck, while also taking away troubles and protecting the home. That's one lucky pachyderm.

Bamboo: Well, considering there's a variety of bamboo called Lucky Bamboo, do we even have to question if this plant is lucky? Having a bamboo plant in your home is a big Feng Shui thing -- a bamboo plant with a red ribbon in a glass pot has all of the Feng Shui elements in one (wood, water, earth, fire, and metal). That's definitely some bang for your lucky buck!

Keys: Dating all of the way back to Greek and Roman times, a key is one of the oldest good luck charms, thought to represent The Key of Life. Good to have hanging around, no? In Japan, three keys together are thought to help bring luck for love, health, and wealth. Another reason to tell your husband you want that key necklace from Tiffany's.

Acorns: The Vikings would put acorns on window sills to protect their homes, while the Druids, who believed the oak tree represented long life and strength, wore acorns to give themselves strength. Don't head to the park and fight squirrels for a real acorn -- just get a picture of one and hang it by your window for good luck.

Do you have a lucky charm in your home?


Image via laihiu/Flickr

Posted via email from luckycharm4me