Sunday, October 10, 2010

Perkins 4-H'ers 'Sharing the Warmth' - Perkins Journal

Perkins 4-H'ers 'Sharing the Warmth'

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Perkins 4-H'ers 'Sharing the Warmth'

By Cindy Sheets
Contributing Writer

Perkins 4-H’ers Saturday morning collected 63 pounds of aluminum cans and 16 coats during a community service project.

The effort is part of annual 4-H Month activities.

Club members asked friends, family and passersby to stop by Main Street in front of Perkins City Hall to make a donation of a coat, jacket or blanket for a county-wide “Share the Warmth” project. The items will be given to the Clothes Closet store in Perkins.

Anyone who missed last Saturday’s drop-off day is welcome to donate their “Warmth” item to any 4-H club member. Items will be accepted through the end of the year.

The club Saturday also accepted donations of aluminum cans, which they redeem for funds that are donated to the Perkins Animal Shelter.

Perkins 4-H will continue to collect cans through spring for the animal shelter project.

If you’d like to have coats, jackets, blankets, or aluminum cans picked up, please contact Becky Carroll at (405) 880-0566.

National 4-H Month recognizes this organization that for more than 100 years has been instrumental in helping develop youth interests and leadership ability. The famous fourleaf clover logo stands for “Head, Heart, Health, and Hands.”

Perkins 4-H leader Becky Carroll said the club will continue special activities all month, including helping at the Oct. Spaghetti Supper and providing lots of cookies for Perkins-Tryon teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day this week.

This is part of the October 7, 2010 online edition of The Journal.

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4 H Club Gift is a good luck gift ideafor anyone that is involve in the 4 H Club of America,