a decision made on my hands and knees same number, new name
red-headed clover
Monday, August 9, 2010
r8chel happy things 4 Comments
A couple weeks ago I found a four-leaf clover at the park one morning and then helped the kids find it themselves. Since then, Magen will often stop and look for four-leaf clovers, and she has actually managed to find a few. She even stuffed one of her lucky clovers into the handle of her scooter.
This evening as she and I were walking at the park, she told me that she looks for the little white flowers, because that means that there is clover nearby. I explained that the white flowers are actually clover flowers, and that the three-leaf and four-leaf clovers she finds are the clover leaves.
“But why aren’t there many FOUR-leaf clovers?” she asked.
“It’s kind of like how there are lots of kids with brown hair and lots of kids with blonde hair, but there are only a few kids with red hair.” I tousled her red-haired ponytail. “And the lucky kids with the red hair are like the lucky four-leaf clovers.”
She giggled and took my hand in hers.
I love that girl.
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4 Comments (+add yours?)
Aug 10, 2010 @ 08:07:03Great story. Thanks for sharing it. Yes, children sometimes spill milk but more often are sources of amazement and great joy!
Aug 12, 2010 @ 22:27:18You were made for this, totally! I am so glad you found a husband and family. No doubt you shine as a wife and mom.
Aug 13, 2010 @ 10:48:38Wilmer: Children are a lot of fun, but there are moments when they’re just lucky they’re cute.
rostock: I’m glad too. Very, very glad.
Aug 20, 2010 @ 15:20:43lovely story!4 leaf cloverare like red heads… hard to find, and lucky to be….LOL.
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Friday, August 20, 2010
red-headed clover « rachel's blog
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