Thursday, March 29, 2012

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Posted via email from luckycharm4me

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I am looking over a four leaf clover

"I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover" was written in 1927 by Mort Dixon with music by Harry M. Woods. It was a hit for Art Mooney & His Orchestra in 1948 and was largely popularized by him.

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A couple of years ago, I started focusing less on the four leaf clovers and more on the art.  I’m an artist, after all.

But, a few days ago, someone asked me, “Aren’t you the one who finds all the four leaf clovers?”

It’s not the first time I’ve been asked this, so I’ve decided to embrace it.  Yes, I’m “the one who finds all the four leaf clovers”.

It started a few years ago when I was walking my dog and found a large patch of 4 and 5-leaf clovers.  Picking a bunch of them seemed the obvious thing to do, but then, what to do with all of them?  Framing them seemed the next obvious answer.  From there, the natural progression was to give some as gifts, and to sell some in crafts stores and online.  Then, I kept finding them, so I kept framing them.

Since I find so many so often, people frequently ask where/how to find a four leaf clover.  The bad news is that I don’t really have an answer, except that one should look where there is clover growing.  I usually just “feel” them; I don’t know another way to explain it.

The good news is that in a large enough field of clover, the presence of a lucky clover is almost guaranteed. Estimates say 1 in every 10,000 clovers will grow a 4th leaf, so find a very large pasture.  And if you are lucky enough to find one 4-leaf clover, there is probably at least one more near it, because they tend to grow in small clusters.

The even better news is, you don’t have to bother picking through the grass, risking life and limb to chiggers in order to find a lucky clover; I still offer four leaf clovers in frames at, and on eBay too.

And, you can find merchandise printed with photos of real clovers in the soulbearing store on zazzle, and in the new Four Leaf Clover Shop on zazzle. You can get lucky shirts, hats, keychains, necklaces, even throw pillows and iphone skins, printed to order and shipped almost anywhere.

Isn’t that lucky??

Coming Soon: more art stuff :-)


One Comment

finding four leaf clovers

Origami 4 Leaf Clover

Origami 4 Leaf Clover make your own lucky charm .


Did you get one?

Make a four leaf clover for St. Patrick's Day

Most leaf for a clover for good luck

Tony Williams needs a new heart and some luck.

He might have found the latter Wednesday when he discovered a rare nine-leaf clover in his front yard.

"Who knows?" said Williams, 42. "It can't hurt."

The find provided a welcome light moment for Williams, an Army veteran and former call-center worker who wears a backpack pump to power his heart. Heart disease runs in his family. He is hoping for a transplant.

Williams was looking for a four-leaf clover when he spotted the strange specimen. "At first I thought it was two of them stuck together," he said Thursday in his eastern Henrico County home. "But it never came apart."

The clover has eight clearly visible leaves — technically leaflets, which are parts of leaves — with a ninth tucked under the others. Williams is keeping it in a cup with water.

Three leaflets, of course, are the norm for clover. Four is "somewhat unusual" — hence the notion that a four-leafer is a good-luck charm — and more than that is even less common, said John Hayden, a University of Richmond biologist.

"I've seen five and six, but I can't remember ever seeing more leaflets than that," Hayden said. "I would judge eight or nine leaflets to be quite rare indeed."

Stewart Ware, a College of William and Mary botanist, called Williams' clover "very, very, very rare."

"Quite an interesting find," Ware said, "and definitely an extremely unusual one."

Williams is exploring ways to preserve the little oddity. He is willing to donate it to a museum or agency that would display it. "I want to continue to show it to other people … to show it to kids."

Williams lives with his wife, Akia, a VCU Medical Center lab technician, and daughters Kalifa, 11, and Tokhia, 3.

Williams competes with Kalifa to see who can spot the most four-leaf clovers. "When he told me (of his find), I didn't believe him at first," Kalifa said.

She thinks she just might beat her dad's discovery someday.

Now that would take some luck.

Man needs a new heart found a nine four leaf clover

Four Leaf Clover for Good Luck


Four leaf clover will bring good luck for those who is lucky enough to find it