Monday, March 29, 2010
Plainfield student saves classmate on St. Patrick's Day - Daily Democrat
It wasn't the luck of the Irish that saved 7-year-old Patrick Bojorquez from choking on a four-leaf clover cookie -- it was his friend and classmate, Hunter Hoffman.
On St. Patrick's Day, the third graders were eating their dessert during lunchtime at Plainfield Elementary School when a piece of cookie got lodged in Patrick's throat.
Having learned the Heimlich Maneuver from his 12-year-old sister that took a first aid class for baby-sitting, Hunter spring into action.
"I knew when to do it because he wasn't saying anything, he just got up out of his seat," Hunter said. "It was scary."
Hunter got behind Patrick, began squeezing-thrusts on the abdomen, and on the third thrust, the cookies came out.
"My wife and myself are very proud of him," Hunter's dad, Steve Hoffman, said. "For a 7-year-old who never had any first-hand training, it's pretty good."
Patrick's mom, Cameron Dewberry, said she didn't even hear about the incident until she picked Hunter up from school to take him to baseball practice, and "he went and played baseball like nothing ever happened."
She said the full impact of the situation didn't hit her until she spoke with Hunter's mom at his eighth birthday party two days later and learned, "(Patrick) wasn't making a sound which is the trigger that someone is truly choking."
"I think it's amazing that a 7-year-old boy has instincts like that," Dewberry said. "Had I been there I probably would have freaked out. How perfect it
was that they were eating lunch together at that time; my son could have died."AdvertisementOn Monday the kids teacher, Barbara Herms, had all of her students pay a compliment to someone in their lives. Hunter thanked Patrick "for not letting me choke."
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Third place is a charm -
Her jewelry choice may have looked a little odd, but Hannah Cameron credits her four-leaf clover and pen necklace for carrying her to third in the national spelling bee.
A Grade 7 student at Herring Cove Junior High School, Hannah competed Sunday in the 2010 Canwest Canspell National Spelling Bee in Ottawa.
The 12-year-old from Portuguese Cove started the morning competing against 21 of the top spellers from the regional bees held this winter across the country. And slowly, throughout the day, her competition was weeded out as speller after speller got tripped up on their words.
"I just enjoyed the heck out of it," Hannah said in a telephone interview from Ottawa.
Although she put a lot of pressure on herself to win The Chronicle Herald regional final, Hannah said she went into the national competition with no expectations other than to have fun.
According to Hannah, even with a skill like spelling, luck still comes into play.
"I kept getting easy words."
And maybe that luck came from the assortment of good-luck charms her friends gave her to take to Ottawa, including the four-leaf clover and pen that Hannah made into a necklace.
She and her mother arrived Wednesday in Ottawa, where they spent the rest of the week taking in the sights of the nation�s capital.
The word that caught Hannah out was pharaoh. She transposed the a and the o, she said.
"I knew all the rest of the words," she said laughing.
Although this was her first time at a national competition, Hannah is already hoping to come back next year.
Canspell is aimed at middle-school students from grades 4 to 8.
"I�ll be allowed to come back next year," Hannah said.
According to the Canspell website, Cape Breton speller Claudine Broussard, 14, of Port Hawkesbury came in fourth. The Grade 8 student�s last word was pansit, which she spelled ponset.
Both girls won $5,000 awards as top regional spellers, as well as the trip to Ottawa to compete in the national bee.
�I just enjoyed the heck out of it.�
Hannah cameron, 12Third-place finisher in national spelling bee
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Saturday, March 27, 2010
San Juan woman on quest for four-leaf clover finally lucks out
Gloria DeLaCruz-Vasquez never considered herself lucky, but a fateful day this month may have changed that.
As DeLaCruz-Vasquez watered the aloe vera in the back yard, she glanced down and saw among a patch of weeds, a rare four-leaf clover.
“I’ve been looking for one since I was 7 or 8,” she said.
Genuine four-leaf clovers come from the trifolium repens, or White Clover variety. Typically the plant is dark green in color and a fourth leaf is usually smaller than the others. Four-leaf clovers are more common among different clover varieties such as Pepperwort and Water Clover, though they aren’t considered to be the mysterious lucky four-leaf clover.
The four-leaf clover has long been said to be a symbol of luck and remains a fascination for many, since it is still a rare find.
St. Patrick’s Day, a celebration of the patron saint of Ireland, is most commonly observed in the United States by wearing green. The shamrock, the registered trademark of Ireland, was often worn as a badge during St. Patrick’s Day, which is celebrated on Wednesday. Irish lore tells of the saint using the three-leaf clover to explain the Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
DeLaCruz-Vasquez, 57, recalled spending much of her time during recess at Clover Elementary School in San Juan trying to find the good luck charm, at the suggestion of the teachers.
The San Juan native, who works with children and pregnant woman for the Department of State Health Services, keeps a wild yard, watering indiscriminantly, so weeds will get a drink and grow tall.
“My husband wanted to have the back yard landscaped,” DeLaCruz-Vasquez said, but she didn’t want to give up the various greenery she has nurtured for years.
Her father, who was a farmer, helped her fill in the edges of her yard with trees and bushes. He passed away two years ago.
“I guess I was trying to find a connection to my father,” DeLaCruz-Vasquez said of her love of gardening.
DeLaCruz-Vasquez said she has never won anything in her life, but with a four-leaf clover in her yard, she’s considering playing the lottery. Her odds of winning may never be better.
Amy Nichol Smith covers features and entertainment for The Monitor. She can be reached at (956) 683-4420.
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How to find a 4-leaf clover « Seven angels, four kids, one family
Gary Corby (blog here, website about upcoming book here) asked me to blog this method of finding 4-leaf clovers, which works phenomenally well for Kiddo#1 (he found 80 of them the first summer he tried it) and marginally well for me, plus I’ve been able to teach others to do it too.
And in all fairness, this method was taught to me by someone from EtiquetteHell, but I’m forgetting whom. (Edited later: I think it was Geordicat.)
Since it’s re-created in Seven Archangels: Annihilation, I’m going to post t he excerpt. This is from Chapter One, where Gabriel is in human form, playing a hide-and-seek game with Remiel, who’s hiding as a four-leaf clover. The two boys are later revealed as demons. See if you can figure out which one turns out to be the cherub Mephistopheles (he’s not very good at remembering he’s in disguise, but Gabriel’s a little too focused to realize).
And then go find some good luck in chlorophyl-form. Enjoy!
Gabriel didn’t look up. “I’m searching for a four-leaf clover.”
“How do you do that?” said the smaller of the two, who appeared to be six.
“It’s actually not that hard.” Gabriel grinned. “You’ve got to figure that statistically speaking, there would be about one four-leaf clover in a patch this size.”
“I’d have estimated two.” The smaller boy’s eyes peered out curiously from under his curly hair. “I think it’s about one in three hundred, although there’s obviously some variance due to genetics.”
The bigger boy rolled his eyes.
“This species of clover tends to have fewer four-leaf variants,” Gabriel said, waving a hand out over the plants, “maybe one in five hundred, and given the square footage of this patch, I estimate we have about five hundred clovers here. Knowing that, you look at the patch and unfocus your eyes and concentrate on the shapes rather than the individual leaves themselves.”
“Oh!” The smaller boy seemed to get a bit taller. “You’re pattern-matching rather than actually looking.”
Gabriel grinned. “It’s as simple as picking out a square in a field of triangles.”
The boy looked breathless. “Do you find you can train the human eye to register only the squares?”
“Absolutely!” Gabriel turned his attention back to the plants at his feet. “Human vision is very easy to fool because the brain interprets visual patterns the way it expects to and rejects any data it doesn’t expect—”
“You don’t have to tell me,” said the boy. “I take advantage of that all the time.”
The bigger boy said, “You’d better quit it. Now.”
Immediately the younger boy fell silent.
Gabriel brightened. “Got it!”
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St Patricks Day – 7 Steps to get the Luck of the Irish! :: SAVE iT ...
St Patricks Day – 7 Steps to get the Luck of the Irish!
March 19th, 2010 | Published in Uncategorized
Isn’t the concept of ‘luck’ a funny thing! A few seconds of bad luck can undo years of hard work, and a moment of good luck can change your life forever in amazing ways.
But is luck really something that is completely random? Or is it something we have more control over than we think. Is it really a case of people having good or bad luck, or is it more the way we view the things that happen to us?
Let’s look at an example – Sally was driving her car down her street when her tyre blows, she loses control of her car, runs off the road, hits a tree and completely smashes the front of her car. If Sally saw herself as an unlucky person she might think - why do these bad things always happen to me? Thinking about how unlucky she was that it happened, how unlucky she is that her car is damaged, how she would have to stuff around with insurance and repairs and so forth. However, If Sally saw herself as a lucky person she would probably think to herself- thank heavens she wasn’t on the highway with lots of traffic doing 100km’s an hour, how lucky she was that she didn’t hit someone else, lucky she didn’t have her kids in the car, lucky that she wasn’t injured, lucky that she was insured, and just get on with what needs to be done to get her car back on the road, thinking herself rather fortunate.
It is the exact same situation, but depending on how she thinks, she is either ’unlucky’ or ’lucky’.
So the good news, as just demonstrated, is that you can become a lucky person instantly just by the way you think. You can also generate more luck for yourself with the things that you do. Lucky people tend to take more chances, or do things that other people just can’t be bothered to do. This in turn generates more chances of new and exciting things happening to them. We have all heard the stories, someone receives an invite to some party and normally they wouldn’t go but on this occasion they did and met their future husband. Or someone going to a job interview for a job they really didn’t want only to be offered another position in the interview which is their dream job. Someone who normally doesn’t enter competitions buys a jar of mayo with a competition on it, enters it and wins a car. I could go on, but I think you get the point.
So if you want to become ‘lucky’, or if you doubt that creating your own good luck is possible, then follow these seven steps for one week. When the week is up, review it and see if you think that your good luck has increased.
- Try and see the positive side of everything that happens, like the car accident. If you really can’t find a positive side right now, then believe that everything happens for a reason and the positive side might not be evident to you for years to come, or that the positive side might be a very valuable lesson that will be a big help to you down the track.
- Write a list of all the reasons why you are already lucky. It can from the big things like owning your own home to smaller things like having food in the fridge. Read it and add to it every day. The luckiest people are the ones who believe they are lucky!
- Do at least one thing you wouldn’t normally do. Go rock climbing, join a social club, do some charity work, get a pen pal, anything that will give you new experiences, give you the opportunity to meet new people, and put you in situations you have not been in before.
- Change your routine. Have something different for breakfast, take a different route to work, take the train or bus to work, wear something you normally wouldn’t, wear your hair differently, stop off and visit a friend on the way home, go for a bike ride after work with someone etc. Shaking things up from your normal routine will generate some freshness and excitement in your day, increasing the chances of new and exciting things happening.
- Take some chances. I don’t mean quit your job and move to the country, but just little chances like entering a competition, accepting an invite, applying for that job you would love but don’t think you stand a chance etc.
- View everything as an opportunity for great things to come into your life. Obviously, if great offers come your way, don’t be complacent or you could miss out on some great opportunities. But also don’t forget the small things that can lead you to great opportunities as well. By just doing small insignificant things (like doing someone a favour by dropping them off at the airport) could start a domino effect where you are just at the right place at the right time for something lucky to happen to you.
- Find yourself a Good Luck Charm! Do you have something that you think is lucky? It could be a five cent piece or a rock you found on the ground, a present someone gave you, or even print this blog and cut out the picture and put it in your wallet for Good Luck! Then believe it will bring you luck!
Happy St Patrick’s Day – and Good Luck!
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*$*$* ST. PADDY'S DAY *$*$* GOOD LUCK CHARM *$*$* NEW ...
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St. Patrick's Day Irish Wedding Traditions
St. Patrick's Day Irish Wedding Traditions
Written by Stephanie Padovani Friday, 19 March 2010 17:26
St. Patrick's Day Irish Wedding Traditions
Couples getting married on or around St. Patty's Day may wish to incorporate some Irish traditions in the wedding day. Or maybe you just want an extra helping of the luck o' the Irish on your big day?
Try these Irish wedding traditions on for size...
Aitin' the Gander Immediately before the wedding, the bride's family invites the groom over for dinner and cooks him a goose. Add a pint of Guinness and it's one heck of a party.
Walking to the Church The Irish bride and groom walked to the church together while friends and family cheer them on, tossing rice...along with pots, pans and other loose objects. Make sure you've got good reflexes if you try this one.
Once the groom is safely inside the doors of the church it is an Irish tradition for guests to lock them behind him; apparently Irish grooms have a history of cold feet.
Claddagh Wedding Bands Irish couples often choose traditional Celtic Claddagh rings the symbolic heart held by two hands and topped with a crown, as their wedding bands.
The placement of the ring on a lady's finger announces her availability. Unmarried ladies wear the Claddagh on their right hand, heart facing outward if she is available and heart facing downward if her heart is taken. Married ladies wear the ring on their left hand.
Irish Wedding Vows Exchange the Irish wedding vow: "By the power that Christ brought from heaven, mayst thou love me. As the sun follows its course, mayst thou follow me. As light to the eye, as bread to the hungry, as joy to the heart, may thy presence be with me, oh one that I love, 'til death comes to part us asunder."
Irish Wedding Coin At the ceremony, the groom gives his bride a silver coin and says, "I give you this as a token of all I possess."
Go Green What better way to go Irish than to use green in your bridal colors? Kelly green is beautiful for spring or you can opt for a softer moss. Go hard core Irish with the colors green, white and gold.
The Dress An Irish bride carries a handkerchief, the "magic hanky," on her wedding day that will later be stitched into a christening bonnet for her baby. She might also wear traditional Irish lace.
The Bouquet English lavender symbolizing love, devotion and purity is used in the wedding flowers and a shamrock may be tucked in for extra luck.
Kilts The groom and his groomsmen dress in kilts, traditionally worn without undergarments. *grin*
The Marriage or Make Up Bell Irish couples are given a bell as a wedding present. When the couple gets into an argument, either of them may ring the bell to resolve the disagreement without assigning blame.
I don't know if it works, but it sure beats modern therapy.
Irish Music There are many beautiful Irish wedding songs and Celtic arrangements available for the ceremony. Bagpipes and pipe and drum bands add an impressive tribute to Irish heritage. Traditional Irish drinking songs are great for the reception and you might even throw in some contemporary Irish rock like the Dropkick Murphys or Flogging Molly.
Irish Dancers Inviting some Irish step dancers to your wedding is traditional and fun. You might ask them to come in full costume to hand out programs at the ceremony and have them dance at the reception later on.
The Irish Grushie The bride and groom toss coins to their wedding guests. This is said to bring good luck and prosperity to their marriage.
Serve Mead Serve mead, traditional wine made from honey, to guests at the reception. Irish newlyweds then drink it daily for the next month to keep away the evil fairies; this is where the term "honeymoon" comes from.
Irish Wedding Toast The bride and groom lead a toast, "Friends and relatives, so fond and dear, 'tis our greatest pleasure to have you here. When many years this day has passed, fondest memories will always last. So we drink a cup of Irish mead and ask God's blessing in your hour of need." And the guests respond, "On this special day, our wish to you, the goodness of the old, the best of the new. God bless you both who drink this mead, may it always fill your every need."
Good Luck Charms Irish traditions are full of superstitions to guarantee good luck. Traditionally a bride might tuck a lucky horseshoe into her bouquet. You can modify this tradition by stitching a horseshoe onto your gown or working horseshoes into your theme. It is also considered good luck for a bride to braid her hair.
Of course, the ultimate good luck charm for any bride and groom: get married on St. Patrick's Day!
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Good Luck Charms - Insects, Objects, Anumals & Icon
Everyone in the world believes in good destiny or good luck.Though invisible destiny has its tremendous impact on individual either in positive or negative way there are some creatures and objects, known as good luck charms that are believed to overpower negative forces and remove all the hurdles from human life. Good luck charms are blindly believed to bring happiness, love, prosperity, strength and power. Even those who claim themselves the atheist in some way or the other staunchly believe in good luck charms. You might have seen many people around you wearing amulets, bracelets, jewelries or the tattoos over specific parts of their body. All such peculiar attractants are symbols of good luck charms.
Besides the handmade objects like holy cross, swastika (Indian holy symbol) and horse-nail there are many insects also such as ladybug, dragonfly, scarab, pig, elephant and tiger treated as the good luck charms. Apart from objects, insects and the animals there are many prominent icons (holy men) also like Buddha, respected and worshiped like a god. The icons also are treated as the good luck charms in different parts of the world.
Though many of you may go against the good luck symbol or charm as a part of superstition, you will can’t deny the fact that every person in the world believes blindly in an invisible power, in some way or other, that is, God. Though a name of God or invisible power has got to differ in different religions and cultures, the god, in all the religions, is believed to provide strength, peace, aggrandizement, prosperity, success, fame and power. Is there any God or power in the universe which doesn’t seem to provide happiness? Those who refuse to accept god’s existence extend their approbation to God indirectly by opting for good luck charms wearing amulets or tattoos. We are presenting over here world’s few popular good luck symbols or charms in order to make you introduce you with their conspicuousness for the life of humans.
Popular Good Luck CharmsInsects
- Crickets- Crickets are treated in Asia as the good luck charms bringing compatibility and removing all the obstructions from life.
- Ladybugs- Ladybug also is believed to be a good sign and those who staunchly believe in positive effects of ladybug in life never mistreat such insect. It is a special kind of insect which is not killed. This red color insect if sits over the body of any individual, it is not removed by the person concerned, unless it flies away on its own. Quaint isn’t it! Those who by mistake kill the ladybug are considered to invite a bad look involuntarily. It is the positive effect of ladybug which encourages the large number of youths and other superstitious people to devote some sensitive parts of their body in carving out a tattoo of ladybug.
- Dragonflies- It also is a peculiar insect or bug loved all over the world as a good luck charm. Farmers take the dragonflies for bringing bumper crops of rice during the ensuing harvest season.The people of all ages wear the dragonfly tattoos as well.
- Scarabs- It is another insect, treated as a good look sign or charm. It has been loved and provided protection since Egyptian period.
Natural Objects
Just after coming across some insects, taken as the good luck charms, let’s have a look at some natural objects.
- Acorns- It is a hard fruit of oak believed to be effective in keeping the all the bad situations at bay.
- Rainbow- It is believed to be a bow of India (Indian god of water). Its appearance in the sky is the precursor of an end of ongoing rain and onset of another beautiful climate. Rainbow’s seven colors also are taken as a sign of good fortune. In some parts of the world the end of rainbow is believed to have a treasure of god. People curiously watch the rainbow and display its scenery over the wall inside their drawing room as well.
- Gems or stones– Germs or stones also are treated as the good luck charms. There are many precious gems, leaving positive or negative effects on humans. These stones are worn by the people in just in accordance with their time & date of birth and birth place.The gems and stones have really tremendous impact in the life of person. Let’s have a look at some of the conspicuous gem stones treated worldwide as the good luck charms. Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Opal, Topaz, Peridot, Aquamarine, Tanzanite, Citrine, Ametrine, Garnets, Tsavorite Garnet, Demantoid Garnet, Mandarin Garnet, Tourmaline, Rubellite Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Paraiba Tourmaline, Yellow Tourmaline, Blue Tourmaline, Multicolored Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Fancy Sapphires, Quartz, Zultanite, Jade, Zircon, Iolite, Spinel, Fire Opal, Moonstone, Alexandrite, Chrysoberyl, Kunzite, Beryls, Morganite, Chrome Diopside, Andalusite, Amber, Turquoise, Coral, Agate, Onyx, Bloodstone, Jasper, Pearl and Diamond are the good luck signs or charms.
- Dolphins- As all the fishes are taken as ominous sign or sign of good fortune all over the world including India, dolphins were treated as the sign of good luck in Ancient cultures of Greece, Sumer, Egypt and Rome. Christians in America still treat the dolphin as bringing good luck to the people.
- Pigs- Pig is very important animal treated as a good luck sign in Germany.
- Tortoises- Tortoise also is believed to be a good sign of favorable destiny. Being indispensable part of astrology, tortoise is mentioned as changing all the contrary situations in to favorable one unbelievably. The people in many parts of world keep the tortoises in captivity to ward off evil forces and obliterate all the contrary situations.
- Elephant- It is also treated as one of the prominent gods in India, that is, Ganesha. Elephant is the most conspicuous and sought after animal all over the world. Elephant being a good luck sign is preferred in USA, UK, Canada, India and China.
- Red Bats- in China the red bats are treated as a good sign or charm of good luck. Believed to chase away all the evil forces effectively, the red bats are supposed to provide longevity, good heath, love, prosperity and power. Chinese people discover the red bats as the good luck charm and want them to exist all around their localities.
- Tigers- Tiger, a most dangerous animal on earth, also is treated as a good sign of fortune bringing good luck in the life of viewer. It is treated with a great respect in India and China. In India it is believed to be a vehicle of goddess Durga, while in China it is believed to provide a protection from loss of precious goods and property.
- Rabbit- The rabbit’s foot also is believed to bring a good luck, while its teeth provide a victory in gambling and other games in Africa.
Icons and Figures
- Buddha- Buddha is worshipped all over the world including China, Japan, Sri Lanka, India and Nepal. His presence in home as a laughing Buddha has gained worldwide popularity recently and people of all the religions do prefer to place its idol in their room turning its face towards main gate. Before going out of house for important work the people rub their hands over his belly for gaining 100% success.
- Saint Christopher.
Handmade objects
- Dream Catchers- It is also believed to be a good luck charm removing all contrary situations from life.
- Red Chinese Lanterns.
- Horseshoe- The horseshoe has been used to ward off evil forces and maintain peace, prosperity and the compatibility in the life of house inmates. Made by the blacksmith, It is hanged from over the main gate in order to prevent evil forces from entering the house.
- Coins- The coins also are treated as good luck charms all over the world.
- A pot of gold.
Symbols and Numbers
- Nautical Stars- Nautical stars are respected by the fisher men and voyagers. The nautical stars are believed to foretell about contrary situations and provide a good protection from them.
- Swastika– Sign of good luck in India, happiness and prosperity.
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Crystal tattoo | Tattoo Designs For Life
Like a magic crystal to find your ideal Love
In the world, many people believe in luck in the world, nearly 80% of people believe in luck, and they also want to depend on their trust preferred charm of good luck and all kinds of good luck charm to increase their physical strength and metal as well. who have religious conviction "Supreme Power" for stones to break the spell good luck or sometimes they favor the talismans bust as a target object or shelter. But the people who are hardworking and courageous and lead to the birth of the Baron to change their fates do not trust the target destination and any kind of good luck as tattooing. But most people who have achieved despite all the work involved in different kinds of happiness and Pentacle of God that in all periods definitely a magic amulet real, rituals are used, and should add Magic.
A pentagram is also used as a good luck charm is five stars, which means "five" line or five lines, "which comes from the Greek word pentagrammos.The importance of attracting good luck can be inferred Fuller use of the contest winner and won. The home that they feel at a crossroads in life to have strong faith in good luck charms and talismans. Most religious people whether they are related to Christianity or Buddhism believes that the good luck charm to keep them protected from negative influences that are otherwise beyond their control.
People have faith in Jewish religion, Jewish partisans prefer necklaces Jewish usury or intersects with the motive of the evil eye with the same confidence. They think that with these good luck charms, they can defend a lot of negative forces of his existence.
There are several types versatile good luck charms at the grocery store, there is the Evil Eye jewelry, Jewelry Hamsa, Kabbalah and jewelry that are trusted to make good on luck.Talismans and the world as objects of good luck or protection, can be simple or complex, based on factors such as rocks, stones, statues, pendants, rings, plants or animals are bracelets, pendants, chains, and in all these different types of jewelry manufacturers and luck may vary depending on your needs and tastes. People who, as good luck charms do not think that talismans celebrate the maven of luck or to close the umbrella. Can detect good luck charm internet, there are several sites give promulgated, which helps to target desirable good luck charms or talismans. A talisman is not the time, even with religious belief, a rabbit's foot up and four-leaf clover are widely made items of chance and loved by all, but the people. You can easily learn more about his work on the Internet is not only possible to obtain information about the good luck we can get a wide variety of jewelry lucky and that even a reasonable cost. So, if you believe in luck just go get it for you.
This Article is related to the subject of talismans. If you are looking for information on the charm good luck then is the best place for you.
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American Idol 2010 Hollywood Week: Crystal tattoo’s her way to stardom
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Ruby Red LED Crystal Skull Party Light
This amazing crystal skull glows from within! Nicely detailed, high quality, heavy skull glows red with an internal LED light. Cool when the room is lit, even cooler in the dark!!!…
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Attract Prosperity, Love, Money, Romance With An Indian Medicine ...
Mar23Attract Prosperity, Love, Money, Romance With An Indian Medicine Bag Good Luck Amulet!
By Meds
If you would like to attract Good Luck, Good Fortune, Love, Money, and Prosperity into your life, then perhaps you should try a good luck amulet or charm, such as a magical good luck crystal as seen by clicking here!
Maybe you want to have more success with business or with your studies, and an amulet or talisman may be able to help you!
Some folks use an amulet or good luck charm, such as the Indian Medicine Bag to ward off evil, negativity, curses, or jinxes!
Maybe you want to find your ideal partner, lover, soul mate…an Indian Medicine Bag may be just the thing that you need! These powerful beauties have been helping folks for hundreds of years!
Not a trinket or souvenir from a gift shop at a reservation that has a little tour or museum, but an actual Good Luck Amulet Indian Medicine Bag As Seen By Clicking Here!
Good Luck Charms are always sold with the understanding that they are for entertainment purposes only, and they should never replace medical, legal, or professional help, if that is what’s called for! Of course, we all know of someone who has received a benefit from such an amulet or charm, at one time or another!
There are many unexplained things in life, and there are supernatural forces that we may not understand, but we know that they exist, and we have seen people get lucky in Love, or with gambling and Winning, thanks to a Good Luck Amulet of sorts!
Whether you get a magical crystal, an Indian Medicine Bag, a lucky coin, stone, or necklace…Here’s wishing you all of the good fortune and prosperity that you desire!
Many Blessings!
Father Time has been a published writer for over thirty two years and particularly focuses on motivational and self-help writing and speaking! He also has many years of sales experience and writes sales & marketing training and materials. His first love is poetry and greeting card verses! He has a fabulous new eBook out that features over 111 Ideas How YOU Can Make Money From Home With Your Very Own Home Based Business!
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The Real Effects Of Superstition On Your Game | AutoRoll - Self ...
The Real Effects Of Superstition On Your Game
Posted: March 25, 2010 at 2:25 am | Tags: charm, game, improvement
Superstition, or luck, may be nothing more to you than reading your daily horoscope for a good laugh. You know that science explains a lot of things, like why the earth is round and why you are able to stand on the ground instead of float. On the other hand, there are some people who take their doses of superstition very serious.
They may not feel comfortable going throughout their day without their nickel free good luck necklace. Their good fortune depends on this necklace, or so they have told you! You will find these types of people in bowling alleys, football fields or race tracks near you. Some of them will give you reasons as why they feel so strongly, others will tell you they are, just because.
So, for the many people who believe in good luck charms religiously how do they work? Will a good luck charm really help you get involved with personal training, like you always dreamed of? Or if you’re not aiming so far as to bringing good luck your way, maybe you just want to ward off bad luck, is this really possible?
Whether you believe in superstition or not, these rituals have been around for centuries. Although human kind may have condensed their rituals, they have gone from cave drawings to lucky charms. Or sacrifices to the gods have changed into becoming a particular shirt that is worn to every game to bring good luck
Most people know that realistically wearing the same gold hat will not magically teach you how to break 80 on the golf course, but it will give some kind of comfort. This emotional connection gives a person some kind of control. As mentioned above, this is the pursuit of having some kind of impact on often uncontrollable situations.
Reacting emotionally to a superstition can aid in getting someone in a positive state of mind. Staying positive can impact performance in a very real way. This enhances both mental and physical performance. It may be what you do before the game, a small prayer, or the socks you wear during the game. Whatever it may be to get you in a positive state of mind will increase your ability to perform better.
What gives these rituals or trinkets heightened importance is the belief that if you do or wear this particular thing, you are impacting the final outcome of a particular situation. When you visualize something as possible, you are more likely to continue working toward achieving it. This helps in realizing a particular goal. Is this due to superstition or the efforts you are exerting? Or maybe it is both?
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The Christian Worker's Spiritual Food: Giving a Second Chance
Giving a Second Chance. Exodus 34:10-28.Moses was helping the children of Israel get a fresh start after their large mistake. Worshiping a hand crafted bovine idol almost cost them their eternal salvation.Moses sought God for their forgiveness and God reciprocated by allowing a second chance. Our God is a God of second chances."We will do all that you say!" They arrogantly said to God's call to be His people; yet when times became tough, they turned away from God and tried to fill their need for God by creating a false God.Moses went up mount Sinai to meet with God in order to bring back instructions for the way God wanted them to live.However, Moses was gone for so long, many began to speculate he might have died and this is when they became fearful and tried to create their own religion. Their faith in God and Moses was destroyed by fear, suspicion, and peer pressure.In fear of life's circumstances, and perhaps in fear of other people, they decided to have the golden statue of a cow made. It was their attempt for normalcy. It was a weak attempt at showing national strength and was nothing more than a good luck charm. They acted like the Egyptian culture who sought comfort in exhibiting spiritual behaviors.This good luck charm brought trouble and separation between them and God; for God will not have His own people mixed up in worldly behaviors.The Idol was like the Buddha statues seen throughout the world. Though people want it to represent God, statues bring separation with God, who is holy and there are no other God's but Him.Therefore, Moses sought God to forgive them of their mistake, their "sin." Moses was, again, called to climb the mountain; to go up into God's presence of God and to get their relationship back on track; bringing back the instructions for their life.And He said: "Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you. Exodus 34:10(NKJV)They had broken the covenant. When they arrogantly accepted the covenant saying, "We will do all that you say," they did not understand how important it was. It was binding and their eternal life depended on it.It is an arrogant person who says they can do all the Lord requires. John wrote,
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 1 John 1:8(NJKV) Yet if we confess our sin, God is willing and able to forgive our sin and cleanse us from the unrighteous deeds we do.The Christian is to live for God.
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A more intimate look at the President's spirituality - Sepia Mutiny
Yesterday I asked for help from SM readers (also known affectionately as the “Great Brown Horde”) to ascertain the identity of the man on Obama’s “lucky charm.” Thanks to an eagle-eyed reader we now have a definitive answer. It is Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, the current spiritual leader of Kriya Yoga International.
Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji is the president of Kriya organizations started by Baba Hariharanandaji Maharaj and the current head of a great lineage of Kriya Yoga Guru Parampara.Paramahamsa Prajnanananda is based in Puri, India, and travels up to 300 days per year, holding seminars and retreats all over the world. He runs the main Kriya Yoga ashrams in Balighai, Cuttack, Vienna, Holland , Miami, and the centers world-wide. He is also the founder of Prajnana Mission, which provides free medical assistance units and centers, residential schools for unserved areas, and many other charitable and educational activities.
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda is known as a powerful and loving teacher, author and speaker on world religion. On August 10, 1998, the highest title, Paramahamsa, a designation reserved for monks and saints who have attained the summit of realization was conferred upon him by his Master Paramahamsa Hariharananda. [Link]
Here is a brief background on the history of Kriya Yoga (from Wikipedia):
Kriya Yoga is described by its practitioners as the ancient Yoga system revived in modern times by Mahavatar Babaji through his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya, c 1861, and brought into popular awareness through Paramhansa Yogananda’s book Autobiography of a Yogi. The system consists of a number of levels of Pranayama based on techniques that are intended to rapidly accelerate spiritual development and engender a profound state of tranquility and God-communion. [Link]My post yesterday was meant to be light an humorous. Today’s is not. In posting this picture I am exposing an intimate detail that was probably (almost assuredly) never meant to be revealed. I feel like I am violating the President’s privacy. There is nothing more private than one’s spirituality. I have little doubt that some extremists that believe he is a Muslim, a socialist, a Nazi, etc. may just latch on to this as more evidence of his “otherness.” So what? In my view you cannot combat ignorance by hiding truth. I have made the conscious decision to shed light upon and pursue this and so now feel compelled to explain why…
Most American’s rarely get a window into the true spiritual beliefs of their Presidents until they are dead and we have their correspondence to sift through. In life we ask them what they think of taxes and health care and homosexuality. We ask them what God they worship and if they go to Church. We never ask them about their spirituality. You can’t really, because what good would it do? Such information is nearly impossible to extract, always dressed up pretty for an audience. But pictures always seem to capture what words can’t. Particularly pictures like the one above. It features the hands. A President’s spirituality (not his religion) is the true hand and the wheel of a nation’s ship and is therefore important to examine.
We have two distinct things we can believe (because isn’t this all about belief anyways?) upon seeing the picture above:
1) That this is just a random good luck charm that Obama picked up on the campaign trail and that he is holding it during the final critical health care negotiations because he needed something to fiddle with and burn off nervous energy; or
2) That Obama, Christian though he is, belives himself to be on a spiritual path, much like a devotee. He is holding a picture of a man that represents that path, as a means to stay centered and focused and keep his mind clear about the greater purpose of all his efforts.
I’ll let you guys choose for yourselves.
Also from Wikipedia:
The story of Lahiri Mahasaya receiving initiation into Kriya Yoga by the yogi Mahavatar Babaji in 1861 is recounted in Autobiography of a Yogi. Yogananda wrote that at that meeting, Mahavatar Babaji told Lahiri Mahasaya, “The Kriya Yoga that I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century, is a revival of the same science that Krishna gave millenniums ago to Arjuna; and was later known to Patanjali, and to Christ, St. John, St. Paul, and other disciples.” Yogananda also wrote that Babaji and Christ were in continual communion and together, “have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age.” [Link]Last year I listed to the audio book version of Obama’s memoir, “Dreams From My Father.” I was awestruck by it. It is an amazing thing to hear about a person’s life and their formative years in their own voice. It is all the more impactful when the author seems to focus ever inward and reveal the most intimate of thoughts, not just his life’s events. Obama continually seemed to question himself, his motives and his beliefs as he searched both his origins and for a future path. He is not afraid to change directions or abandon dead ends. Reverend Jerimiah Wright and his church was one such dead end. From a NYTimes article in 2007:
His embrace of faith was a sharp change for a man whose family offered him something of a crash course in comparative religion but no belief to call his own. “He comes from a very secular, skeptical family,” said Jim Wallis, a Christian antipoverty activist and longtime friend of Mr. Obama. “His faith is really a personal and an adult choice. His is a conversion story.”The grandparents who helped raise Mr. Obama were nonpracticing Baptists and Methodists. His mother was an anthropologist who collected religious texts the way others picked up tribal masks, teaching her children the inspirational power of the common narratives and heroes.
His mother’s tutelage took place mostly in Indonesia, in the household of Mr. Obama’s stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, a nominal Muslim who hung prayer beads over his bed but enjoyed bacon, which Islam forbids.
This polyglot background made Mr. Obama tolerant of others’ faiths yet reluctant to join one, said Mr. Wright, the pastor. In an interview in March in his office, filled with mementos from his 35 years at Trinity, Mr. Wright recalled his first encounters with Mr. Obama in the late 1980s, when the future senator was organizing Chicago neighborhoods. Though minister after minister told Mr. Obama he would be more credible if he joined a church, he was not a believer.
“I remained a reluctant skeptic, doubtful of my own motives, wary of expedient conversion, having too many quarrels with God to accept a salvation too easily won,” he wrote in his first book, “Dreams From My Father.” [Link]
Abrahamic religions tend to emphasize the dichotomy between light and dark, between good and evil. Yogic philosophy is more neutral and nuanced. It emphasizes logic and questioning, often between a student and master.
… he developed a tone very different from his pastor’s. In contrast with Mr. Wright — the kind of speaker who could make a grocery list sound like a jeremiad — Mr. Obama speaks with cool intellect and on-the-one-hand reasoning. He tends to emphasize the reasonableness of all people; Mr. Wright rallies his parishioners against oppressors. [Link]Obama has often been described by the media as overly logical, as “cold,” or like Star Trek’s “Spock.” These are also all the qualities that people following a yogic tradition aspire to.
So I for one feel better knowing that our President seems to be guided by a core set of beliefs that have him a) continually questioning his own ego to hold it in check; b) searching for wisdom in whatever form it presents itself; c) staying true to his path even if it is winding.
I will leave you with a quote from Paramahamsa Prajnanananda book, “Yoga: Pathway to the Divine.” I have no idea if President Obama has read it:
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Saturday, March 20, 2010
Taking a Look at Shamrock Clover Tattoo Designs « Tattoo And Body ...
It’s amazing how much of the tattoos you see are derived from different cultures. As a result, the designs are not just made for aesthetic reasons but also symbolize a person’s personal views and opinions. One of those tattoo patterns that cater both to beauty and cultures is the shamrock Clover tattoo designs. A popular pattern, the shamrock is easy to identify
They are thought to bring luck to the person who wears them, something that can be attributed to the legend of the four leaf clover. However, it might be interesting to note that only three leaf clovers are called shamrocks. Four leaf clovers are very rare, resulting to the perception that finding one is lucky.
For some, the shamrock clover not only brings luck but is a symbol for Ireland culture. People who wear this tattoo designs are aware of the wealth of culture carried by the emblem. As one way of representing Irish culture, the shamrock is a great way for people to brandish their pride in their heritage.
It’s resemblance to the Celtic triple image has first given the clover its recognition.
The druids from ancient Ireland noticed this similarity and started to grow and take care of the plants. The clover was also incorporated in Christianity when Saint Patrick used the clover to explain the Holy Trinity. So basically, the shamrock clover can also be associated to religion.
However, a shamrock clover tattoo design is not just a plain green clover brandished on the skin. Tattoo enthusiasts nowadays are creative enough to develop different shamrock clover designs that speak individuality. Editing can be done on the basic shamrock pattern, customizing it according to your specifications. Tattoo enthusiasts have never lacked ways to turn the basic shamrock clover tattoo design into something that relates to them personally.
Shamrock clover tattoo designs can be placed anywhere in the body since they can be easily scaled into small proportions.
Some celebrities who were taken in with the shamrock clover design include Joely Fisher, Melanie Griffith, Richard Grieco and Jamie Walters. Fisher and Griffith has theirs on their ankles, Grieco on his calf and Walters has one combined with a pair of dice – to accentuate the luck.
Although a first impression of the shamrock clover tattoo may look as though the tattoo pattern lacks originality, the fact is that the final result can be up to you. You can brandish a date along the center or incorporate the design into a pattern to come up with a tattoo that has deeper meaning for you. What should be the most important thing is that you get the tattoo pattern that you were looking for.
Ink are not only for aesthetic reasons but can also be used as a silent statement. The shamrock clover tattoo design only establishes that fact. No matter the reason for getting the shamrock clover tattoo design, the pattern in itself is beautiful.
Click here for the best Koi Tattoo Designs, and here for a great Tattoo Me Now review
Tags: Shamrock Clover Tattoo Designs, tattoos
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St Patrick's Day Symbols and Traditions | PowerPoint E-learning Center
St Patrick’s Day Symbols and Traditions
The Irish-origin holiday St. Patrick’s Day is associated with many special and popular traditions and symbols. If you are interested in MAKING a PowerPoint Slideshow for ST. PATRICK’S DAY, you should first learn something about the holiday. You can also upload the PowerPoint project to YouTube after converting to compatible video with PPT to Video Converter.
Typical Symbols of St. Patrick’s Day
St Patrick’s Day Symbol: Shamrock
Why shamrock becomes a symbol of St. Patrick’s Day? Partly because of Ireland’s abundant coverage of clover plants, and largely because of the strong association with Christianity. Shamrock is used to visually illustrate the concept of the Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) when St. Patrick tries to convert polytheistic pagans to Christianity."A clover is one plant with three leaves, but the three leaves are necessary to make it [complete]," explains Prof. Mahony. "[In Christianity,] God is three persons, but it’s not the same as three gods." The simple analogy helps non-Christians understand a fundamental element of the Christian religion, facilitating conversion.
Through retelling this story, shamrock became associated with St. Patrick and Ireland’s conversion to Christianity. It is a widely used to commemorate Saint Patrick’s Day, and in modern times has been appropriated by secular institutions as a symbol for the Irish.
St Patrick’s Day Symbol: Four-Leaf Clover
Most clovers are with three leaves, while rare four-leaf clovers do exist. Finding a four-leaf clover is thought to bring one extreme luck. Different from Shamrock, four-leaf clovers have no religious allusions associated with St Patrick’s Day. Each leaf of a four-leaf clover has a respective meaning as hope, faith, love, and happiness.St Patrick’s Day Symbol: Leprechauns
A leprechaun looks like a little old man and dresses like a shoemaker with a cocked hat and leather apron. Aloof and unfriendly, leprechauns live alone and pass the time by mending the shoes of Irish fairies.According to St. Patrick’s Day: Parades, Shamrocks, and Leprechauns by Elaine Landau, the legend is that the fairies pay the leprechauns for their work with golden coins, which the little people collect in large pots - the famous pots of gold often associated with leprechauns.
Listen closely for the sound of their hammer, and you might be able to capture one! If you do you can force him (with the threat of bodily violence) to reveal where he’s hidden his treasure. Be careful! Do not take your eyes off him for if you do he will surely vanish and your hopes of finding his treasure will vanish with him.
St Patrick’s Day Symbol: Green
Do you know why people all wear green on St Patrick’s Day? The tradition is started by school children. Green is also the color of spring, the shamrock, and is related to hope and nature. Green used to be a color for flags of several revolutionary groups in Ireland.What is more, Ireland has the name of "Emerald Isle" because of its lush natural greenery. Says Prof. Mahony, "One of the things that strikes people all the time is how Ireland is incredibly green–it’s very far north, but it doesn’t get frozen. When people say that ‘Ireland has 40 shades of green,’ they are right!"
St Patrick’s Day Tradition: The luck of the Irish
Will you be lucky this St. Patrick’s Day? If you want, follow this advice:1. Find a four-leaf clover. 2. Wear green (so you don’t get pinched). 3. Kiss the blarney stone. 4. Catch a Leprechaun if you can. Have a wonderful St Patrick’s Day!
Lory Coloma said,March 11th, 2010 at 4:33 amI need some advice for my blog….I like your layout. Can you help me? 4 9 4
hoodia said,March 11th, 2010 at 1:54 pmI don’t mean to be too “in your face” with this, and I know it’s completely unrelated but I’m just going to say it anyway! Whhhhhaat the heck has Obama been smoking these days? There, I got it off my chest!
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