Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A article from Wes

Lucky or Not?

Teenage lottery millionaire who won £1.9m (and blew some of it on new boobs) is broke at 22

Callie Rogers, 22, is now living with her mother and has taken three cleaning jobs to make ends meet. Her life has lurched from one crisis to the next after she won her fortune

Full Story:

02 September 2009

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

GET LUCKY! The Luckiest Web Site EVER! Everything you want to know about luck

"You got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky?"

GET LUCKY! The Luckiest Web Site EVER! All you like to know about luck and how to get lucky in life. Featuring four leaf clover good luck charms. and everything good luck ....

If you take actions to improve yourself, to live longer by eating healthy and exercising, why wouldn’t you also take similar steps to boost your good luck and fortune?

People like to think that they are in control of their life, but often time luck makes a joke of our best intentions.

Have ever notice that you talk about luck often your life? Luck is your invisible friend, from bringing you a cool parking spaces, a chance meeting with a new romance, or a small windfall. A few seconds of misfortune can dissolve years of hard work, while a moment of good luck can lead to life time success, wealth and happiness. Luck has the power to transform the unlikely into the possibilities, to make the differences between life and death, reward and ruin, happiness and despair. Without warning, it can do so in a flash .

So how do you get lucky? Throughout the ages, peoples of all belief have enhanced from the use of different types of mojo as good luck charms. Good luck charms is a fun way to make one feel luckier. A positive attitude is a great way to improve your luck and attract good luck .

The 4 leaf clover is the most well known lucky representation around the world and across many very different countries . It is the most common yet the hardest to find. On average, there are 100,000 three leaf clovers for every instance of a true four leaf clover. Luck favors the person who has a four leaf clover. An abundance of all existing pleasures and fortune will comes to one who bear this good luck charm.

If you don’t have a lucky charm already, you might enjoy reading more about luck at